18 May 2013

memorial day photo shoot -- public gardens, boston

On Monday May 27th, Memorial Day, I will be doing an all day photo shoot event in the Boston Public Gardens.

If you've ever wanted a professional photo shoot, but could never afford one, now is your chance. Sign up for a 15 minute slot for $50. You can get the family photos, the headshots, engagement photos, roommate photos, kids photos, couples photos, and/or individual photos you've always wanted. 15 minutes is just enough time to get several great shots in.

Email me at japeacher@gmail.com to book your slot (9am-8pm). Just say the times you'd like, what kind of photos you'd like, and make the subject: Memorial Day Photo Shoot.

Interested in seeing some more of my work? Check out my website: www.alexpeacher.com

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